Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Called to Be Counter-Cultural

One of the first things my mom said after we'd made the decision to move forward with God's call for us to live multi-generationally was, "You know, really this isn't that's just very counter-cultural.  It's not normal for Americans."  Think about it, in other cultures (think Hispanic, Middle-Eastern, Indian) it is very normal for 3 generations to all live together.  They work together as a family to help meet the needs of everyone...i.e. the grandmother provides the "daycare," the men work outside the home and provide monitarily, the mother cooks and cleans.  It all sounds very OLD SCHOOL, but everyone has a role that benefits everyone else.

God is amazing y'all.  I attend a weekly women's bible study, and we are studying True Women 201, Interior Design By Mary Kassian and Nancy Leigh Demoss.  I was reading today's study, and it directly correlated to this exact issue.  I know for a fact that the Holy Spirit was speaking to me, and I believe my job is to share it through this blog.  I believe that I'll be led to share a lot of what God says to me through this forum, and my prayer is that it also speaks to you.  My prayer is that God will be glorified through this medium.

Anyways...this chapter is discussing responsibility.  It stated "Up until the 19th century, the home was the center of production and the small business unit of the local economy.  Most families ran a "family business" (also very common in other cultures) which generally involved everyone in the household-husband, wife, and children.  The family was a single economic unit that worked together for the common good of its members.  Certainly, there was a division of labor in which the husband's focus was predominantly on provision, and the wife's predominantly on household management.  But work was a family affair.  There wasn't a big chasm between "home" and "work"--the two spheres overlapped.  Everyone in the home was productive.  Everyone worked.  During the Industrial Revolution of the early 1800's, people left their homes for employment in factories. Their income was no longer associated with the family business.  Instead, the money they earned was theirs and theirs ALONE.  The perception of what qualified as "work" also changed.  Work became employment outside the home.  This profound cultural upheaval had enormous implications for our modern perceptions about work, economics, and women's labor and productivity."

This may all sound like it's about women and their role, but what was revealed to me was how God created families to work together!  He also calls us to be counter-cultural!  So what if this plan isn't normal??  In America, we are taught that after we turn 18, it is important to get your college education, and then make it on your own.  Then what do most of us do?  Start off with student loan debt, add more debt, and struggle most of our adult lives.  There are so many other things that are "normal" in American culture, but not as part of Christ's culture.  We are called to be in the world, but not of the world. (John 17:16)  I would much rather listen to Christ's call and be different, than keep doing what I think is "normal" and struggle.

When Tony, Meri and I went to our pastor to tell him we were moving, and explain our plan to him, he expressed his joy for us.  He immediately told us a story of a family from Laos that he banked years ago.  (He was a bank manager for many years.)  He said that the family came in to open a joint checking account, and explained to him that the 2 sons and their families were all moving in together with older father and his wife.  Pastor said he thought they were crazy.  He explained that he's still friends with them, and that they now own 3 large homes free and clear in Brentwood.  Working TOGETHER helped their family achieve big things.  Proof in the pudding!

Will this plan work for everyone?  NO.  But it may work for some.  Will this be an easy journey for us, without conflict?  I think not!  There will be EIGHT of us living in one home, LOL!  I know that the initial motivation for this change is monitary, but I also feel like that's only a tiny piece of the growth journey that God has planned for each of us.  I think He has many things to teach us about each other, and will give us lots of opportunity to give our testimony to others.  This is a short term sacrifice for a long term gain!

I have been encouraged by several friends/family members to start this blog.  I already feel led to tell our story.  I encourage you that if God is speaking to you, the time is now to act on it!  I hope my sharing gives you at least a little bit of guidance.  I'm amazed at the things he's doing to just orchestrate every detail, just because we decided to go against the grain, be counter-cultural, and act upon him speaking to us.
I hope you enjoy reading about our journey!

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